Seven Billionaires From Internet Bussines

1. Catherine Cook

Catherine Cook through has 5 million members worldwide. Starting a business from high school (17 yrs), he and two brothers convinced that social networking sites can beat his Myspace and Friendster. To make this site, they hire a IT company from India. Income was estimated at $ 10

2. Ashley Qualls
Ashley Qualls, 14-year-old girl is never preached yahoo earn money from Google Adsense for $ 70.000/bulan through WhatEverLife site. Site layout code for Myspace maker is visited as much as 250,000 visitors every day, where this amount exceeds the rating sites teen magazines like Teen Vogue, Seventeen and Cosmogirl. This site was made when he was 14 years old and today he has received about $ 4

3. Paul Bourqe
Through the program Affilitate Marketing, Paul Bourqe new 19-year-old has 544,120 members and successfully manage to earn more than $ 500,000 a month. Currently, Paul decided to retire from college who has lived for a year and chose to undergo a full time internet

4. David Wilkinson

From Video Game addicts become Internet entrepreneur at the age of 14, David Wilkinson reveals the secret of success online through the website of Affiliate Defined. You will not think the language and maturity of this 14-year-old

5. Carl Ocab
Carl started as a young entrepreneur success through the website on how to make money via the Internet at the age of 13 yr. Now he is the age of 15 years and have earned hundreds of dollars every month from affiliate sales program and private

6. Josh Buckley
Josh Buckley achieve financial freedom success at a very young age, 15 years! This year he has produced hundreds of thousands of dollars. Josh also took his family on vacation with a cruise ship for 2 weeks in the Mediterranean region and buy a small house itself. Joshua has won the Best Idea Award from the site Retire @ 21, who was elected by 100

7. Matt Wegrzyn

Young, successful and rich by buying and selling business domain. You might not think that the business of buying and selling domain parking & Matt could lead young millionaires from the internet. To see how Matt can get $ 1 million from this business, visit the website

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